Rev. Justin Michael Rindner

AVS & FHI Founder, Chek Practitioner, Vitalistic Spirit Guide, Steward of the Golden oak

Medium - Advocate - Student - Truth Bearer 

I am a guide who helps young professionals, healers, creatives, and those earnestly seeking purpose to embody what it feels like to walk with the truth in our hearts, and act in alignment with our inner knowing.

I cultivate intimacy in our relationships - with ourselves, each other, and with the land. I encourage expression of vulnerability, self-honesty, and other emotional depths and ranges where I believe our freedom of will and freedom from interference lies. 

This has been my personal greatest avenue of release. 

My mission is to continue asking questions, to keep peeling layers away, and to ceaselessly redefine how I may best take my creation beyond where it has been before. I strive to lead a simple life well lived, and to help others do the same.

My Core Values Are:

Compassion - Seeing through the armor presented, and loving the human within, without judgement.

Intimacy - I try to remain open. In receptivity, no void exists. When we open our hearts evermore, our actions align with the greatest good.

Samatvam - Seeing the equal value in all experience, beyond subjectivity, and striving to integrate the lessons from all happenings.

Creativity - There is no art within the rigidity of pattern. There is no wholeness without creation. Every type of our energy is precious, and all are meant to be expressed regularly, uninhibited, in their highest forms. In this way, all expression brings healing. 

Tattva - There are Universal Truths in the World. They are Wholistic and Regenerative in Nature. They are not Exclusionary, nor can the nature of our traditions be so. Humans do not create truth. 

Speaking - Only when what I have to say is True, Helpful, Inspiring, Necessary, and Kind. 

I have always had a passion for learning and growth. My apprenticeship with nature and the elements began shortly after birth. During my first yoga teacher training in 2015, I was introduced to meditation and an already strong yearning for understanding was refined as I felt the fires of interest in eastern philosophy burn within my heart. I could say that by then, my journey as a guide and healing facilitator had started in earnest. For the next several years I would travel the country, study under many masters of different wisdom traditions and healing arts, study the human form in pursuit of a doctorate degree, and undergo many rituals and rights of passage where death, dying, and rebirth became my norm in many ways. I began sharing my learnings with others in 2017. I have been podcasting and life coaching regularly since participating in a particularly impactful series of sacred plant medicine ceremonies that began in 2020. 

I integrate my passion for learning and helping others through my teachings under Dr. Suzan Rossi, Paul Chek, and Anahata Ananda.

I have studied how to live artfully, fully, and freely through my connection with the ethereal, time in nature, and cherished experiences with many mentors.

Physical Teachers, Mentors, and Earthly experiences of note include but are not limited to:

  • Dr Suzan Rossi DC - A dear parental guide, protector, teacher, and ever present Shamanic Mentor to me since the earlier days of my healing journey. The first and only doctor I have ever seen who has looked me dead in the eye and said “There is nothing wrong with you.” - I am proud to be among her students. 

  • The Teachings of Sri La Prabhupada by way of Radhunath Swami, and Mentorship in the Bhakti Tradition by his disciples, Raghunath Cappo and Costubha Das

  • The Teachings of Dr Sue Brown DC - Developer and Founder of Bio-Geometric Integration - For showing me The Infinite power of Healing Touch and Infinite potential of the human vessel to heal through its geometric and tonal connection to the cosmos. 

  • Dr Brett Jones & Dr Lance Von Stade for instilling the Kairos Ethos of Service and Ethic of Facilitation and Healership in me as my foundation in the healing arts. My time with the Kairos Community served as my initiation in this work. Kairos also stands as my example and standard by which I hold all facilitators of healing to. To Brett and Lance - Thank you for setting the bar high, and many more thanks for my first Ecstatic Dance, Wim Hof breath, Healing Touch, Energetic Exchange, Shamanic Breathwork Ceremony, and initial Training for the Deliverance of Healing.  

  • Anahata Ananda - For raising my standards of communication, relationship, space holding, personal identity, human empowerment, and facilitating of healing beyond all of my wildest imaginations. My Highest Self has heights to climb to thanks to your teachings that I would otherwise be woefully unaware of.

  • Dr John Martinez, Dr Eric Rubin, and Dr Katina Manning DC - No matter where I stand, thanks to you, my sandbox of opportunity for rapport whenever I Serve another human being is boundless. Likewise, my ability to play, to explore, to inquire, and to listen continues to be refined and clarified beyond measure. I know the greatness in the Art of our world because of you.

  • Paul Chek - For fully expressing his truth, for ceaselessly learning, for showing us that the world can heal, and that we are designed to do the same.

  • BJ Palmer - Cultivator of the Chiropractic profession, and my first notable teacher of quantum physics and metaphysical theory.

  • The Teachings of Bruce Lee by way of Shannon Lee, his daughter. No words can express my Gratitude.

  • The works of Tim Ferriss and Ben Greenfield for setting the gold standard of human performance and lifestyle optimization above all others, while not losing the arts of humility and work-life balance along the way - A standard I have held as a waypoint on my journey for many long years. 

  • Dr Thomas Cowan - For challenging the fact of form and function in human and medicinal sciences, and trailblazing new understandings in our rhythms and figures the likes of which the world is far from ready to receive.

  • The Teachings of Dr Bill Plotkin PHD for instilling the essences of the human psychospiritual evolutionary process into language and reason simple enough for us to comprehend. Capturing the reality behind our imaginations - a task seemingly impossible - and yet you have come close to achieving its perfection.

  • Justin Faerman and Jackie Knechtel - For granting me the gift of systematic elimination of the lies my system carried through childhood, by way of their efficient, affordable, and user friendly neuro-feedback and emotional clearing programs.

  • The writings of Aldo Leopold and John Muir for connecting me with my first love, Mother Earth, even during the most domesticated of times in my life.

  • Shaman Durek, Duncan Trussell, Aubrey Marcus, Blu, and Alyson Charles - Those special Souls who have through their existence given me permission to let my freaky wizard flag fly.

  • Holotropic, Shamanic, and Shamangelic Breathwork Ceremonies - For bringing me to a place of Freedom, where I am always held, never alone, and am able to Serve. 

  • Visceral Somatic Rebirth facilitated by way of artful touch in the laying on of hands - For the Protections, Reflections, and Healing you have afforded me, I thank you.

  • Psilocybin Cubensis & Syrian Rue - For your Deliverance, I thank you.

  • The Crystal Clear Waters, Sweet Summer Ferns, Old Growth Forests, and Ancient Mountains of the Berkshires - Thank you for calling me home.

These are the places, practices, humans, organisms, and ecosystems I have studied with extensively who have helped me find my way. There are many other teachers, learning experiences, and exchanges I draw from and pay respects to when their influence flows through me. 

Thanks to my Ethereal Guides, Teachers and Protectors:

  • To Dear Lord Krsna and all of Source’s Light in all Its Many Ascended Forms who come to me.

  • To the many Spirits of the Earth and Her Kingdoms who come to me with comforts, warnings, and wisdoms.

  • To my Muse and the Wild Sage within.

  • To my Highest Self, my True North, and all my Past Selves of previous incarnations who have held me in moments of need. 

  • To my unborn children for parenting me in some of my most dire moments, and walking with me on the Path.

  • To the many fractals of my Self from within this lifetime who have weathered the Storm and remained true to themselves through it all - Until the time would come for me to nurture them, and welcome them back home. 

  • To the Elements, the Directions, the SuperSoul - Our connection to Source, and to my Vessel, my Temple, my Body that have all carried me through so very much in such a short sliver of Time. 

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

I enact the Vital Self, my Light Warrior within, and practice Innate Health Care based on the Universal Intelligence that propagates and animates our Reality.

Whereas I reclaim the term HEALTH CARE to represent:

Healing our

Expression through

Alignment with

Lifeforce so

Transformation inspires 


Compassion and

Attunement with

Regenerative Ways of Life on


I look forward to co-operating with you,
Rev. Justin Michael Rindner