What is The Arcanum?

The word Arcanum (from the Latin word arcana) literally means "secret." It is often used in reference to mysteries of physical and spiritual worlds. 

In the most practical sense, the Arcanum is a Temple of Human Geometric, Biological, and Spiritual Alchemy. At its core the Arcanum is a harbinger of Vital practice between Spirit Souls (humans) that mirrors the eternal motion of Universal Conciousness. We support each other in the removal of interference patterns and arrival of Ease: A return to our original Tone, where we express only our Selves. Our work is Art. 

The Definite Chief Aim of The Arcanum is to proliferate and normalize the act of privately preserving both modern and ancient healing traditions where they can be practiced and taught free of dilution and corruption by any imposed force borne of the lower modal natures expressed by humankind. 

Why are we a Private Membership Association?

Arcanum of the Vital Self, PMA © All rights reserved, Without Prejudice

Arcanum of the Vital Self is a Private Membership Association.

It functions as an Unincorporated 508(c)(1)(a) Faith Based Assembly: Rights Guaranteed under Federal Law U.S.C 26 § 6033(a)(3)(a)., and as such, it guarantees our rights to freedom of speech and to govern ourselves according to our own Bylaws and Doctrine. Arcanum of the Vital Self, PMA has and maintains the standing of separate and equal station among all other entities.

The Arcanum was started in 2021 as a resource center and refuge for healing and unbias council, and a working archive of valuable information pertaining to both modern and ancient wisdom traditions. It is also a place of research where the art, science, and philosophy of medicinal and applied healing art practices are studied, expressed, taught, and advanced free of any such constraints short of the Supreme.   

The Arcanum offers righteous protection of, safe access to, and sound tutelage in the practices, sciences, philosophies, and art forms inherent of all truly Vital Healing Modalities that are naturally of the Earth and of Human functional capacity. 

We hold that all medicinal properties of the Earth and of the Human Form shall be regulated by none other than the Supreme Divine Source of our many abilities as Human Beings and protect any such property as sacred objects of our Devotion. For any and all such natural path of Health and Vitality developed through human ingenuity, intuition, or inspiration that is provoked, propagated, and practiced through solely natural means is of the same Divine origin as the Embodied Conciousness they are borne from and therefore belong equally to all without infringement by illusory and contemporary systems created in the image of Human Ego.